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Say Hello to b00b.io!

fully automated tunnelbroker, peering and transit platform - we live sdn
based on sponsors and love - get it for free!

We are b00b.io (AS49867) a non-profit organization which offering free tunnelbroker IPv6 and transit services to the Internet community since years. B00B offers a fully automated platform with self service portal to generate IPv6 tunnelbroker and IPv6 transit services with PoPs across North America.


Automated Tunnels
Connect within a few minutes. Fully automated tunnel and vpn management via self service portal including IPAM for transport networks. Just press few buttons to get a channel to us. Our system also generated configuration samples for tunnel config based on your information.
Free IPv4 & IPv6 Transit
Get free IPv4 / IPv6 transit for your network to bring your IP prefixes to the DFZ with up to 200M. Traffic is not metered and it is possible to get more transit if 200M is not enough. All locations are fully capable of providing IPv4 and IPv6 transit with full table or default route option. Just automated in our self service portal.
Automated BGP Sessions
You know software defined network called sdn? Often on the feature list but never really functional on a loft of platforms. But not in our case, all features are fully automated and reachable via self service portal within a few clicks. All configurations in the background are automated.
Multiple Tunnel Protocols
You have to connect to us for using IPv6 tunnelbroker or transit services. You do not share an Internet Exchange with us? No problem, we have a fully automated tunnel system in place. We offering different tunnel protocols like SIT, GRE, GRETAP, Wireguard and L2TPv3 and for sure all tunnel endpoints are also reachable via IPv6. Select protocol that fits your needs.
Automated Prefix Filters
We provide automated prefix filters based on IRR objects and RPKI valid routes. Filters are updated every 3 hours automatically. You do not need to open tickets or call a NOC. Create objects and wait until the filters has been updated. We grab required data from Peeringdb and IRR database. Please keep your entries and settings like max prefixes updated.
Free IPv6 IP Space
Our IPv6 tunnelbroker services provides own IPv6 subnet up to /56 per tunnel. Enough IP space fit all devices with IPv6 addresses. Multiple /56 can be available on requested. IP management can be done via self service portal.

Our great sponsors

Transit Manager

B00B Transit & Peering Manager

Our self service portal is a homemade platform which is not availble on any other website. Just designed and developed for the use of B00B. Manager controls all tunnel creations, BGP session setups, creation of tunnelbroker and subnets including features like IPAM or prefix filter management. It controls all routers and nodes. An agent is installed on each router and node and covers the provisioning of tunnels, interfaces or BGP sessions. It also collects all BGP sessions information and forward it to the controller which provides the head of the platform and the dashboard to the users. Manager is fully portable and exists in a bunch of docker containers deployed via docker-compose.

Our routing platform is vyos based but fully customized with bird as BGP daemon, IS-IS as IGP and vpp with linuxcp plugin as data plane to achive high performance and >10 mpps per node.

ROUTE64 Transit & Peering Manager
Exchange Points

Multiple Exchange Points

We are connected to a lot of Internet Exchanges and have dozends of private Peerings like Cloudflare, Google, Meta and a lot more. You can connect directly via Internet Exchange to us without any performance loss and you don't need any type of tunnel. We trying extend our networks as fast as possible to your exchange.

Multiple Exchange Points
Tunnel endpoint

Tunnel endpoint everywhere

Tunnels are needed in case of missing exchange points or you are using us as tunnelbroker for IPv6. We have a lot of tunnel endpoint nodes distributed around the world. For sure not in every country but on the central points where connectivity is optimized. This setup ensures that every user can join with lower lantency. You are missing an endpoint, contact us or better sponsor one to us to provide it to the community.

Tunnel endpoint everywhere

Quick look over features of our platform

Over 50 Gbit/s of uplink capacity.
Community driven - suggest a feature - we implement it.
2 PoPs across North America. More are in the pipe.
All nodes are fully capable of providing BGP sessions with full table.
Direct peerings, Internet Exchanges and multiple upstreams.
Fully automated - no contact needed including ASN verification.

Pricing Table

Pricing? No!
  • Community
  • Free
  • IPv4 & IPv6 free transit
  • 200M bandwidth
  • Tunnel, XC or Internet Exchange
  • 3x ASN slots
  • 10x BGP sessions
  • 5x Tunnels
  • 5x Tunnelbroker
  • 5x IPv6 IP spaces
Just created an account in our manager.
Available protocols

Tunnel, what?

Tunnel Protocol
IPv4 Endpoint
IPv6 Endpoint
More about us?
BGP Sessions